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Mediumship is the practice of mediating communication between the living and the deceased. 


Or, as Emma prefers to refer to it, the practice of mediating communication between those of us on Earth and their loved ones that have crossed over to the Other Side. 


Those we love who have crossed are always with us and everyone has within them the ability to connect with their loved ones. 


Mediumship sessions are simply designed to facilitate that communication with a practiced Medium, so messages may seem more clear or may present themselves in a different form than how they present to a lone individual.  

Channeling sessions may be conducted in person or virtually

“During my session with Emma, we connected to my daughter, Adah, who passed away a year and a half ago. Emma knew things only adah would know, personal things that are only known within our family, and the empathy and compassion she showed while facilitaTing the communication was priceless. Since my conversation with emma, I feel like I know my daughter is still with me in a lot of ways and even though i want her here physically, to hear she's happy and near is amazing for a momma.”

- Kelly S. 

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